WhyChoose Us?


Sign up with TEFLnow and receive top quality service and an internationally recognized TEFL certificate that will be the key to unlock your new career

We offer a variety of training courses to suit all individual needs Study at your own pace from anywhere in the world More

Online TEFL Courses

  • 100-Hour Course

    This course will give you a thorough introduction to the world of TEFL

  • 50-Hour Course

    This short-format course provides a valuable insight into the TEFL world

  • DVD Course

    This new course is the most innovative way to gain your certification

  • Diploma Course

    An advanced online course for teachers looking to expand their employment options

  • Business English

    A specialised course designed for the business world

  • Young Learners

    A specialised course for the fastest growing market in English teaching

Who's TEFLnow

As a consequence of the continued spread of globalisation, the status of the English language as the international language of communication has grown rapidly in many parts of the world. Due to this ever increasing use of the English language, the demand for well trained and knowledgeable language teachers is constantly rising every year. In order to meet this demand, TEFLnow offer a variety of courses that provide the highest possible standards in the field of EFL teacher training.

At TEFLnow we have been the market leader in the provision of professional, high quality teacher training programs since 1993. From that time, we have continually produced thousands of graduates every year through our extensive range of online TEFL/TESOL training courses. At TEFLnow we are constantly developing and improving our services to ensure that we maintain our position as one of the industry’s most highly regarded course providers.

In order to successfully teach English abroad you will require a thorough knowledge of the language, as well as a variety of necessary skills that will allow you to pass on this knowledge within a classroom environment. At TEFLnow we provide you with this essential combination of English language knowledge and practical teaching skills through our comprehensive and up-to-date training programs. Once you have successfully completed a TEFLnow training course you will have taken the most important step on the road to becoming a successful and productive English language teacher.

Once you have received your TEFL certification, the next step on the road is likely to be the search for a suitable teaching position. At TEFLnow we know how daunting this process can seem so we do all we can to help make it as straightforward as possible. Our extensive job support service will provide you with on-going assistance in the form of advice, tips and inside information that will help you locate and secure the best job opportunities, all at no extra cost. We strongly believe that our unique job support service is an integral part of commitment as a provider of high quality training courses. This long term commitment to our trainees is just one of the many factors that separate us from our competitors.

TEFLnow is committed to providing the best possible service to all our trainees. As a company our aims cover many areas such as:

  • To produce confident and well trained graduates who are committed to raising the standard of English language teaching around the world.
  • To provide comprehensive training courses that go beyond the basic requirements necessary to teach English as a foreign language.
  • To offer an extensive choice of training courses that cater to all preferences and to provide impartial advice on which options best suit your specific needs.
  • To ensure that our training and materials maintain a consistent level of quality through a program of on-going monitoring and moderation.
  • To continually develop our range of courses to ensure that they contain the most up-to-date techniques and theories in the language teaching industry.
  • To assist our graduates in locating and securing the best job opportunities through our unique job support service.
  • To ensure that we deliver on our commitments and maintain the highest standards of service, TEFLnow is associated with and accredited by some of the most highly respected organisations in the field of language teaching.

With more than twenty years of experience in providing a variety of the highest quality training courses, thousands of confident and motivated graduates every year and the support of some of the most highly respected organisations in the language teaching industry, we are confident that TEFLnow provides the best teacher training services to suit your needs. Regardless of the course you choose, we look forward to welcoming you soon.

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