WhyChoose Us?


Sign up with TEFLnow and receive top quality service and an internationally recognized TEFL certificate that will be the key to unlock your new career

We offer a variety of training courses to suit all individual needs Study at your own pace from anywhere in the world More

Online TEFL Courses

  • 100-Hour Course

    This highly popular course will give you a thorough introduction to the world of TEFL

  • 50-Hour Course

    This short-format course provides a valuable insight into the TEFL world

  • DVD Course

    This new course is the most innovative way to gain your certification

  • Diploma Course

    An advanced online course for teachers looking to expand their employment options

  • Teach Business English

    A specialised course designed for the business world

  • Teaching Young Learners

    A specialised course for the fastest growing market in English teaching

Solve your doubts here


At TEFLnow we are fully committed to ensuring that your TEFL training experience runs as smoothly as possible from beginning to end. One way we try to help is by answering as many of your questions as we can before you start on your chosen course. Using our extensive experience of providing training courses we have put together the following list of FAQs regarding a variety of TEFL related topics. Hopefully our list of frequently asked questions will clear up many of your concerns so that you can confidently move on to the application process.


Are the courses accredited?  

Yes, all of our online training courses are accredited and internationally recognised. TEFLnow is actually one of the largest providers of online TEFL training courses in the industry, with over 650 graduates every month and a total of nearly 100,000 previous course graduates from all over the world. Based on the number of successful course graduates, we may indeed be the world’s most popular supplier of quality online TEFL certificate courses.    

Who accredits the courses?

Our online training courses are amongst a very small number of worldwide courses that are officially accredited. All our course options are externally validated and moderated by OTTSA (the Online TESOL and TEFL Standards Agency). Trevor Brindley, the chief moderator of OTTSA, regularly visits us to inspect all areas of our courses and to interview the course director and our team of tutors to ensure that we maintain our high standards of service. 


What is the difference in the amount of hours the courses take?

Our 120-hour course includes materials that are related to two separate areas of study: teaching skills and language awareness. Our shorter format 60-hour course only contains the materials for the teaching skills sections.

How will I receive my certification and how long will it take to receive it?

Once you have successfully completed your course, you will need to verify your delivery address and we will then send your certificate via registered post. The certificate will be issued and sent out within five working days of your course completion and can be delivered to anywhere in the world. Each certificate contains a unique identification number that employers can use to confirm the authenticity of your qualification. 

How can I request express delivery of my certificate?

We do provide an express delivery option via DHL. This option has a set fee of US$ 50, regardless of the delivery address. We can also provide you with a scanned PDF copy of your certificate via email if you require proof of certification while you are waiting for the original certificate to be delivered. 

Will my certificate say “online” on it?

No, our course certificates do not state “online” anywhere on them. All of our different courses have their own unique certification and each individual certificate indicates how many hours of study are involved in its completion. 

Course Materials

How will I receive the materials?

All your online course materials will be accessed via our online training system. All the written materials for our online courses are in PDF format.

Will I receive any books/materials through postal mail?

The only material you will receive in the post will be a hardcopy of your certificate.

Can I print the materials or just access them online?

Once you have downloaded the course materials you are free to print them.

How many units are in the course?

The number of units in each course is as follows:

60-hour Introduction to TEFL Certificate course 10 units
120-hour TEFL Certificate courses 20 units
50-hour CTEYL or CTBE courses 6 units
TEFL Diploma 12 units

Distance Learning

Are there assigned times to work online?

No, there are no specific times that you need to work around. All our online courses are designed so that you can study them whenever you prefer and at your own pace.

Is there any classroom study; will I need to meet with anyone face-to-face?

No, all the correspondence required to complete our online courses can be done purely by email.


Can I take an online TEFL certification course if I don’t have any teaching experience?

Yes, you can enrol on our 60-hour and 120-hour online TEFL certification courses if you have no teaching experience. These courses are designed to be taken by both novice teachers and those with some classroom experience.

Can I take the Diploma in TEFL course without prior TEFL certification?

In order to enrol on the Diploma in TEFL certification course you will require prior TEFL certification unless you are a practicing EFL teacher who has extensive classroom experience.

Can I take a course if I don’t have a degree?

Yes, you do not require a university degree to enrol on any of our courses. 

Can I take a course if I’m not a native English speaker?

As long as you are fluent in English, you are eligible to take any of our online courses. However, you should be advised that attempting to complete our courses with anything less than advanced English language skills may result in the failure to meet the required standard of work which means you would not receive certification.

Are there any age limits for the online courses? 

In order to be eligible for our courses you must be at least 18 years old.

Fees and Payments

What type of payments do you accept?

The quickest, cheapest and most straightforward method is to pay for your course using a credit/debit card via our secure online payment page. We can accept payments from friends or family members using this option as well. We will also accept payments via Western Union, PayPal and bank transfer, although this method may take up to seven days and include transfer fees. 

How soon after I pay my course fees can I begin the course?

Once full payment has been confirmed, we will normally be able to send out your introductory information within a few hours so you can begin your course study almost immediately. If we receive your payment between Monday and Friday, you should receive your first materials within 24 hours. If your payment is received over the weekend, you should receive your first materials on the following Monday morning. 

Can someone else pay for me?

Yes, we can accept course payments from your friends, family members or employer. Simply email us the name of the person who is paying for your course so we can keep track of your payment details. 

How much does the course cost? 

Each of our courses has its own specific fee. For the relevant fees you should visit the pages dedicated to the courses you are interested in. All our quoted course fees are all-inclusive so you will not be required to pay any hidden costs.

Are there any additional fees?

There is only one occasion where you will be asked to pay an additional fee. If you choose the express DHL option for your certificate delivery, you will need to pay the additional fee (US$ 50). This optional extra is the only thing not included in the price quoted for each course.   

If I have a friend who would like to take the course with me, do you offer any discounts?

Yes, we do offer discounts. If you would like to sign up for a course with a friend or work colleague, simply fill in the details of all participants on the application form and we will inform you of any relevant discounts available. 

Do you offer group rates?

We are often able to offer special group rates, as well as one-off packages at discount prices. For further information regarding group offers and discounts please email us at courses@teflnow.com. 

Do you accept scholarships?

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer scholarships or financial assistance for our training courses. 

Internet and Software Requirements

Can I work from anywhere?

Yes. You can complete the course from anywhere that you have access to a computer with an internet connection.

What kind of computer/programs do I need to have?

All our course content and related materials are compatible with both PCs and Macs. You will require a document reader such as Microsoft Word or WordPad and an up-to-date version of Adobe Reader. In order to view the video file that comes with some of the courses, you will need speakers and a sound card. However, it is worth noting that these requirements are standard specifications on virtually every computer system that has been sold in recent years.

Lifetime Job Support

If I take an online course, will I get help finding a job?

All our course graduates will have access to our unique job support service, regardless of the course they choose. 

What is your placement rate?

It is not possible to keep track of this figure as our course participants enrol with us for many different reasons. Some people are already employed when they sign up for our courses or are not looking to find work straight after graduating, while others simply take a course for their own development and have no intention of looking for teaching work. All we can say is that we will do all we can to help you locate and apply for a job that suits your plans. Overall, the majority of people who enrol with us with the intention of securing an English language teaching job do go on to find employment. 

How soon after I finish the course will I find a job?

Once again, this is a difficult question to answer as there are many factors to take into account such as your qualifications, experience, where you are looking for work etc. However, most trainees are able to find employment within a few weeks of completing their course. It is also reasonably common for trainees to secure a teaching position before they have even finished their studies as you can start looking for work as soon as you have begun your course.

Money Back Guarantee

How long do I have to request my money back?

You can request a refund up to 72 hours after you have made your course fee payment. 

Can I request my money back for any reason?

Yes, you can request a refund for any reason, as long as your request is made within 72 hours of making your payment.

What percentage of people requests their money back after seeing the materials?

We have a very good record with customer satisfaction. Less than 1% of the thousands of people who enrol with us request a refund after receiving their online course materials. 

TEFL Certificate Courses (60 and 120-hour)

How do the courses work?

Within one working day of having received your course payment, we will send you an introductory email containing the log-in details you will need to sign in to your personal section of our online training system. Once you have logged in to the system you will be able to begin studying the course materials directly online or by downloading them to your own computer. From the time you first access the training system you will have up to six months to complete the course.

When you feel you have absorbed all the information contained in the first unit you should then complete the end-of-unit task sheet that accompanies each of the course units. The task sheets act as a self check for you so you can monitor your own understanding of the subjects covered.

After completing the task sheet you will then take an online test based on the topics covered in the first unit. Once you have completed the test you can then continue working through the rest of the course units, all of which are accompanied by an end-of-unit task sheet and an online test.

Will I be able to ask anyone any questions?

You are free to ask us questions regarding anything that is not related to the actual lessons, such as course procedures or technical difficulties etc.

Can I access all the materials from the start of the course?

No, you will only be able to access two units initially. A further unit will become available to you after each unit test you complete. This system is designed to help you progress through the course in the correct order.

How will I be assessed?

At the end of each unit you will need to complete an online test that is based on the subjects covered during that section of the course. Once you have completed all the units successfully you will then submit a lesson plan on a given subject for assessment. Upon successful completion of all the course units and the end-of-course lesson plan, you will graduate from the course and receive our internationally recognized and accredited TEFL certification.

How many end-of-unit tests will there be?

There will be one test for each unit of the course.

60-hour Introduction to TEFL Certificate course 10
120-hour TEFL Certificate course 20
50-hour Certificate in Teaching English to Young Learners 6
50-hour Certificate in Teaching Business English 6

What is the format of the end-of-unit tests?

The end-of-unit tests contain a variety of multiple-choice style questions. Each test also includes one ‘open-field’ style question where you are required to summarize the unit and what you have personally learnt from it using a minimum of 50 words.

Do I have to achieve a particular score for each unit test?

No, you do not need to achieve a particular score on each individual test. With each test you complete you will be given a percentage score that represents your performance for that unit. In order to achieve the pass rate for the course, you will need to score a minimum of 75% as an average score of all the unit tests combined.

60-Hour Introduction to TEFL Certificate

How much does this course cost?

The 60-hour Introduction to TEFL Certificate course costs US$ 300.

Is this course option the right choice for me?

Our 60-hour course is ideal for anyone who is looking for an insight into the world of English language teaching or for people who are planning to volunteer as an EFL teacher. Due to the shortened format of this course, it is not widely recognised as a full TEFL qualification so it may not qualify you for many paid EFL teaching jobs. 

How quickly can I finish the course? 

As this is a short format course, you could theoretically complete it in as little as five days. However, you will have up to six months to complete the course, although most people finish it within a month. 

What is the course content?

The main topics covered in this course are teaching methodology and EFL theory. The course also looks at lesson planning and evaluating language ability. 

How will I receive my materials?

All the materials for the course are accessed online via your own personal section of our online training system.

Where can I find more information about this course?

If you have any further questions about this course, please email us at course@teflnow.com. 

120-Hour TEFL Certificate Course

How much does this course cost?

The 120-hour TEFL certification course costs US$ 380.

Is this course option the right choice for me?

This course is a good option for anyone who is looking for an internationally recognised and accredited TEFL certificate that will allow you to apply for many EFL jobs worldwide. Our 120-hour course will give you a thorough understanding of the basics of EFL teaching and provide you with a solid base on which to build your English language teaching career. 

How quickly can I finish the course? 

In theory you could complete this course in as little as ten days, however, the average completion time is between six and eight weeks. If you prefer to work at a slower pace, you are allowed a maximum of six months to complete the course.

What is the course content?

The main topics covered in this course include teaching methodology, EFL theory, grammar structures and phonology. The course also looks at lesson planning and evaluating language ability.

How will I receive my materials?

All the materials for the course are accessed online via your own personal section of our online training system.

Where can I find more information about this course?

If you have any further questions about this course, please email us at course@teflnow.com.

250-Hour Diploma in TEFL Course

How much does this course cost?

The Diploma in TEFL course costs US$ 1980.

Is this course option the right choice for me?

This course is our most advanced course option and is aimed at practicing teachers who are already TEFL/TESOL qualified. The course is ideal for teachers who are looking to build on their existing teaching skills and knowledge so they can apply for more prestigious jobs, internal promotions or simply for their own personal development. 

How quickly can I finish the course? 

It is theoretically possible to complete the course in as little as one month, however, the average completion time is between six and ten months. Once you begin the course you will have up to a year to complete it. 

How will I receive my materials?

All the materials for the course are accessed online via your own personal section of our online training system. This is a research-driven course so you should anticipate quite a lot of time spent doing independent research on the internet. Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a hardcopy of your Diploma certification.

How will I be assessed?

The course is divided into two sections, once you have worked through the first six modules you will be given a test based on the subjects covered in the first half of the course. After successfully taking the test, you repeat the process for modules 7 to 11 and again take a test that covers the second half of the course. The final module is a negotiated research project which will give you the opportunity to put all your new knowledge into practice.

Will I be able to ask anyone questions?

If you have a question about course procedure, are having technical difficulties or need any assistance that isn't directly related to the course materials, you may ask us your questions and we will reply to you within 24 hours Mon-Fri.

Where can I find more information about this course?

If you have any further questions about this course, please email us at course@teflnow.com.

Certificate in Teaching Business English Course (CTBE)

How much does this course cost?

The 50-hour, CTBE course costs US$ 500.

Is this course option the right choice for me?

This specialised training course is aimed at people who are already TEFL/TESOL certified and are looking to further their knowledge with the addition of an extra qualification. If you are planning to teach business related English or just want to widen your employment options, then this course could be a good option for you. 

How quickly can I finish the course? 

It is theoretically possible to complete the course in as little as a week, however, the average completion time is around three to five weeks. Once you begin the course you will have up to six months to complete it.

How will I receive my materials?

All the materials for the course are accessed online via your own personal section of our online training system.

How will I be assessed?

At the end of each unit you will need to complete an online test that is based on the subjects covered during that section of the course. Once you have completed all the units successfully you will then submit a lesson plan on a given subject for assessment.

Upon successful completion of all the course units and the end-of-course lesson plan, you will graduate from the course and receive your Certificate in Teaching Business English.

Where can I find more information about this course?

If you have any further questions about this course, please email us at course@teflnow.com. 

Certificate in Teaching English to Young Learners (CTEYL)

How much does this course cost?

The 50-hour CTEYL course costs US$ 500.

Is this course option the right choice for me?

This specialised training course is aimed at people who are already TEFL/TESOL certified and are looking to further their knowledge with the addition of an extra qualification. If you are planning to teach young learners of any age or just want to widen your employment options, then this course could be a good option for you. 

How quickly can I finish the course? 

It is theoretically possible to complete the course in as little as a week, however, the average completion time is around three to five weeks. Once you begin the course you will have up to six months to complete it.

How will I receive my materials?

All the materials for the course are accessed online via your own personal section of our online training system.

How will I be assessed?

At the end of each unit you will need to complete an online test that is based on the subjects covered during that section of the course. Once you have completed all the units successfully you will then submit a lesson plan on a given subject for assessment.

Upon successful completion of all the course units and the end-of-course lesson plan, you will graduate from the course and receive your Certificate in Teaching English to Young Learners.

Where can I find more information about this course?

If you have any further questions about this course, please email us at course@teflnow.com

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