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As it has the fifth largest population in the world, it is no surprise that Brazil offers plenty of job opportunities for newly qualified English language teachers, as well as those with more experience. You will find a wide variety of jobs available in the larger cities, as well as more limited numbers in the country’s many smaller population centres. Generally speaking, teachers with a well recognised TEFL qualification should have little trouble finding a suitable position in their chosen location.

Although you will find many jobs available in cities such as Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, you may also want to consider looking for work in smaller towns as these have many advantages over the larger cities. Firstly, Brazil’s main cities are huge in size and population which means they can be rather crowded, hectic and difficult to navigate. Also, they tend to lack much of the traditional culture and lifestyle that you will experience in the more rural areas of the country. Finally, teachers who live and work in Brazil’s smaller towns will find that they are given a great deal of respect from the local people for simply choosing their area over the bright lights of the city.

How to Find a TEFL Job in Brazil

If you choose Brazil as your preferred teaching destination you will find that it is much easier to locate job vacancies once you are actually in the country, rather than trying to secure a position before leaving home. You will sometimes find jobs advertised on TEFL related websites, however, the majority of employers in Brazil prefer to meet candidates face-to-face so they can see if they will fit in with their particular working environment. This arrangement also works in the favour of the teacher as it gives you an opportunity to take a look at the working conditions on offer before you have to commit to anything.

When looking for work from within Brazil, the most effective method is to simply make contact with as many potential employers as you can find, even if they are not actually advertising any vacant positions. In order to find potential employers you can make use of a wide variety of sources including local newspapers, telephone and business directories, language teaching websites and online school directories.

Once you have compiled a list of potential employers you should contact their human resources department or even the school director by telephone or in person. You should also back up this initial contact by sending them an up-to-date CV/resume which includes a recent photograph. Hopefully this approach will result in a positive outcome, however, even if the schools you contact are not looking for anyone at the time, you should stay in touch with them because situations can change quite quickly in the language school environment.

Job Expectations in Brazil

Teacher’s salaries in Brazil are generally less than you will find in some other Latin American countries, although you should find that you can still earn enough to live a comfortable lifestyle. If you are looking to save some money, or simply want more spending money when working here, it is often possible to considerably increase your income by taking on private students in your free time. By advertising your services in the local community you should be able to pick up some extra work quite quickly. Once you have established your private lessons, you should find that word of mouth will provide enough students to keep you busy.

Visa Options Brazil

The majority of teachers who come to Brazil to work simply arrive on a tourist visa and then commence their job search upon arrival. Once you have secured a teaching position you will probably find that obtaining an official work visa is a difficult and lengthy process and that most employers prefer to avoid the difficulties involved. Due to this, it is often the case that you will be expected to work unofficially or ‘off-the-books’ for the duration of your employment. While this practice is obviously illegal and we clearly cannot endorse it, the reality is that it is a very common practice throughout the country and something you should be aware of when looking for jobs in Brazil.

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