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Online TEFL Courses

  • 100-Hour Course

    This highly popular course will give you a thorough introduction to the world of TEFL

  • 50-Hour Course

    This short-format course provides a valuable insight into the TEFL world

  • DVD Course

    This new course is the most innovative way to gain your certification

  • Diploma Course

    An advanced online course for teachers looking to expand their employment options

  • Teach Business English

    A specialised course designed for the business world

  • Teaching Young Learners

    A specialised course for the fastest growing market in English teaching

Costa Rica


The beautiful country of Costa Rica is world famous for its fantastic beaches, diverse wildlife and welcoming people. The country also has a rapidly expanding tourism industry which means there is a growing demand for English language skills throughout the country. All of these factors mean that Costa Rica is now a very popular destination for TEFL qualified teachers. The majority of TEFL jobs are normally found in the country’s cities, particularly the capital city, San Jose, where you are likely to find many job opportunities. If city life is not for you, then there are jobs available in smaller towns and beach resorts throughout the country, although you will probably find that there is a fair amount of competition for work in the more popular coastal areas.

How to Find a TEFL Job in Costa Rica

It is possible to secure a teaching position in Costa Rica from outside of the country as many employers do advertise their vacant positions online. However, if you want a wider choice of positions or want to work in a certain area, then it is a good idea to simply start your job search once you arrive in the country. The simplest and most effective approach is to first decide on the area that you want to live and work in and then contact all the schools you can find in that area directly. It is important that you are professional in attitude and appearance at all times and that you possess an up-to-date CV/resume which you can leave with potential employers. As long as you are willing to work hard to find available jobs and you have a little patience, you should be able to secure a TEFL job that suits you.

Questions to Ask Employers

If you are offered a teaching position that you are interested in, you should make sure that you are clear on a few important issues before you accept the job or sign a contract. Firstly, you should make sure that you have precise details regarding your pay scale, the amount of hours you will be expected to work, as well as any benefits you are entitled to such as travel expenses, health care or housing support. It is also a good idea to know what equipment and materials you will have access to when planning and carrying out your lessons. Finally, you should also enquire about the need for work permits or visas and whether the employer will help with the organisation and expense of any official paperwork you may require.

Job Expectations in Costa Rica

As you will find in many parts of the developing world, the ability to speak English in Costa Rica is seen as an achievable way for people to gain access to a wider variety of jobs, gain promotions and to earn higher salaries. To meet this demand you will find that there are many language schools throughout Costa Rica that provide English programs year round. Due to this constant demand, there are job opportunities available at all times of the year, although the period between May and September is probably the peak period for recruitment.

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