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Online TEFL Courses

  • 100-Hour Course

    This highly popular course will give you a thorough introduction to the world of TEFL

  • 50-Hour Course

    This short-format course provides a valuable insight into the TEFL world

  • DVD Course

    This new course is the most innovative way to gain your certification

  • Diploma Course

    An advanced online course for teachers looking to expand their employment options

  • Teach Business English

    A specialised course designed for the business world

  • Teaching Young Learners

    A specialised course for the fastest growing market in English teaching



As England is the birthplace of the English language, it is no surprise that there are many job opportunities all over the country for TEFL qualified teachers. However, while jobs are plentiful, the large majority of them are taken by British citizens, although there are still opportunities for teachers from other native English speaking countries who are willing to work hard to find them. Citizens of other Commonwealth member states, as well as those from the USA, will have the best chance of securing an English language teaching position.

How to Find a TEFL Job in England

The simplest way to find available English language teaching jobs in England is to visit the many websites that are dedicated to TEFL/TESOL related issues. You can also perform web searches for online newspapers and business directories that are located in the areas where you are interested in living and working. Due to its status as a modern, developed nation, you will find that most jobs are advertised online and that much of the recruitment process can be done without having to actually be in the country.

Job Expectations in England

Many TEFL jobs in England are based in private language schools that cater to students of all ages, backgrounds and nationalities. A large number of the students in many classrooms are often migrant workers from other European countries who need to improve their English language skills in order to be eligible for better paid jobs. You will also find many students brushing up on their English in order to gain entry into colleges and universities. Regardless of the demographics that make up your classroom, you will usually find that your students will be keen to learn and motivated to do well in their studies as they are likely to be attending your class of their own free will.

Another niche market for TEFL jobs in England is the large number of language camps that spring up all over the country during the summer months. These camps attract thousands of young people from all over the world who come here to learn English skills and to take part in a variety of other activities during their stay. Although working at a summer camp is only a short term option, it will give you valuable experience of teaching a wide variety of students. These jobs also pay reasonable well and can sometimes lead to offers of more permanent employment.

Visa Options England

Acquiring the necessary paperwork to hire teachers from outside of the European Union can be quite difficult in England so many schools simply choose to employ only European based English language teachers. However, there are several schemes that allow opportunities for non-Europeans so you should contact your nearest British consulate to enquire about the current options that are available to you. Americans citizens can also look online for private companies such as www.interexchange.org who provide a variety of work abroad programs.

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