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Online TEFL Courses

  • 100-Hour Course

    This highly popular course will give you a thorough introduction to the world of TEFL

  • 50-Hour Course

    This short-format course provides a valuable insight into the TEFL world

  • DVD Course

    This new course is the most innovative way to gain your certification

  • Diploma Course

    An advanced online course for teachers looking to expand their employment options

  • Teach Business English

    A specialised course designed for the business world

  • Teaching Young Learners

    A specialised course for the fastest growing market in English teaching



Ireland is generally one of the tougher countries in the European region for foreign EFL teachers to find employment, particularly for non-EU citizens. The country’s TEFL industry is relatively small compared to others in Europe and the majority of jobs that are available are taken by local teachers. However, if you do manage to secure a teaching position here, you will find that Ireland is a great place to live and work due to the friendly nature of the people and the outstanding natural beauty of the country itself.

How to Find a TEFL Job in Ireland

The simplest way to find available English language teaching jobs in Ireland is to visit the many websites that are dedicated to TEFL/TESOL related issues. You can also perform web searches for online newspapers and business directories that are located in the areas where you are interested in living and working. Once you have compiled a list of potential employers you should contact them by telephone or email and also send them an up-to-date CV/resume which includes a recent photograph. If you receive any interest from the schools you contact you should note that you will normally be expected to attend an interview in person before being offered a job.

Another option for short term employment can be found in a variety of schools which offer language courses during the summer months of June to September. These courses often attract young people from all over the world who come here to learn English skills and to take part in a variety of other activities during their stay. Although these jobs are only a short term option, they will give you valuable experience of teaching a wide variety of students and may sometimes lead to offers of more permanent employment.

Job Expectations in Ireland

The majority of TEFL related jobs in Ireland are located in the capital city, Dublin. While the city is well known for its culture and hospitality, it is also known for its relatively high cost of living when compared to the average EFL teacher’s salary. The cost of living is considerably less in many other areas of the country; however, there are far fewer job opportunities available away from the city.

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