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Despite the emergence of countries such as China and South Korea as major destinations for EFL teachers in the region, Japan is still a very popular location for teaching English as a foreign language. There are always plenty of job opportunities in the major cities such as Tokyo and Osaka, as well as a significant demand in the country’s smaller towns. Teachers who possess an internationally recognised TEFL qualification should have little trouble finding a position to suit them in Japan.

How to Find a TEFL Job in Japan

A large amount of the available English language teaching jobs can be found in private language schools that are located in most parts of the country. The other major provider of teaching positions is the country’s huge number of large businesses and corporations who often operate their own in-house language programs. When looking for work in either of these areas you can often research the reputation of each individual employer by utilising the various online forums and teachers groups that are aimed at English language teachers in Japan.

In order to gain a work permit in Japan you will require a university degree, as well as a TEFL certificate. However, you may also find that a sense of humour and an energetic approach to your work will be seen as important assets here.

Questions to Ask Employers

If you are offered a teaching position that you are interested in, you should make sure that you are clear on a few important issues before you accept the job or sign a contract. Firstly, you should make sure that you have precise details regarding your pay scale, the amount of hours you will be expected to work, as well as any benefits you are entitled to such as travel expenses, health care or housing support. It is also a good idea to know what equipment and materials you will have access to when planning and carrying out your lessons. Finally, you should also enquire about the need for work permits or visas and whether the employer will help with the organisation and expense of any official paperwork you may require.

Job Expectations in Japan

Although it is no secret that the cost of living in Japan is rather high, you should still find that most good teaching jobs will pay a salary that is sufficient to provide a comfortable lifestyle, as well as the ability to save some money while you work here. You should also be able to find extra work as a private tutor in your free time if you wish to increase your overall income.

As education is highly respected in Japanese culture, you should find that you are shown a high degree of respect in the classroom. Because of this, most teachers who spend time working in Japan find that their students are generally highly motivated to succeed and are more than willing to work hard at their studies.

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