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Online TEFL Courses

  • 100-Hour Course

    This highly popular course will give you a thorough introduction to the world of TEFL

  • 50-Hour Course

    This short-format course provides a valuable insight into the TEFL world

  • DVD Course

    This new course is the most innovative way to gain your certification

  • Diploma Course

    An advanced online course for teachers looking to expand their employment options

  • Teach Business English

    A specialised course designed for the business world

  • Teaching Young Learners

    A specialised course for the fastest growing market in English teaching



For many years Thailand has been one of the world’s most popular destinations for EFL teachers. The combination of beautiful beaches, exotic food, welcoming people and a unique culture mean that this is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. There are always plenty of job opportunities all over the country so as long as you have an internationally recognised TEFL certificate and a university degree; you are likely to have little trouble finding a job that suits you.

How to Find a TEFL Job in Thailand

All state-run schools in Thailand are required to employ a minimum of one native English speaker so large population centres such as Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Phuket will always have plenty of available positions. It is possible to secure these jobs from outside of the country but the best approach is look for work from within Thailand as employers tend to place a great deal of importance on appearances. This will also give you the chance to choose between different schools as working conditions do vary considerably. The peak period for recruitment is before the start of the school year in May, although you will find jobs available all year round.

To secure a job in one of Thailand’s state-run schools you will generally need a TEFL certificate and a university degree, although experience is not usually an essential requirement. If you are able to commit to a minimum of one year, the school will normally help you in the process of obtaining the necessary work permits, although you will need the original copy of your degree certificate to complete the process.

As well as the countless jobs available in state-run schools, you will also find many job opportunities in private language schools and international schools. Private language schools often provide a varied schedule without fixed hours and you may be required to travel between appointments. These employers do not necessarily require a university degree or even a TEFL certificate in some cases; however, this does mean that you will not be able to secure a work permit so you will need to make regular trips to the nearest border to renew your visa. In contrast, jobs in international schools generally provide good working conditions and salaries and usually follow a western academic schedule and curriculum. Competition for these jobs is often quite fierce and they will normally require some teaching experience.

Questions to Ask Employers

If you are offered a teaching position that you are interested in, you should make sure that you are clear on a few important issues before you accept the job or sign a contract. Firstly, you should make sure that you have precise details regarding your pay scale, the amount of hours you will be expected to work, as well as any benefits you are entitled to such as travel expenses, health care or housing support. It is also a good idea to know what equipment and materials you will have access to when planning and carrying out your lessons. Finally, you should also enquire about the need for work permits or visas and whether the employer will help with the organisation and expense of any official paperwork you may require.

Job Expectations in Thailand

Teacher’s salaries in state schools are not particularly high compared to some other countries in the region, although the relatively low cost of living means you should still be able to live quite comfortably. Salaries in state schools start at around 30,000 THB per month for a weekly schedule of around 40 to 50 hours. Due to the large number of national holidays in Thailand you will find you have plenty of paid holidays throughout the time of your contract.

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