Online TEFL Diploma Course

The online TEFL Diploma course is the most advanced training course we offer. This course is designed for teachers who are already TEFL/TESOL qualified and are now looking to extend their knowledge and take their qualifications to the next level.

There are many good reasons to enrol on our TEFL Diploma course:

  • To further develop your English language knowledge and teaching skills.
  • To increase your chances of earning a higher income.
  • To be able to apply for more prestigious teaching positions.
  • To gain promotion within your existing employment.

Online TEFL Diploma Course Content

The Diploma course consists of 12 separate modules:

  • Module 1. Study Skills
  • Module 2. A Brief History of ELT
  • Module 3. Second Language Acquisition
  • Module 4. Course Design
  • Module 5. Discourse Analysis
  • Module 6. Material Design
  • Module 7. Phonology
  • Module 8. Assessment Methods
  • Module 9. Classroom Management
  • Module 10. Embedding Learning Technologies
  • Module 11. Continuing Professional Development
  • Module 12. Negotiated Research project

Modules 1 to 11 will each require in the region of 16 hours of study time so you should allow around 175 hours to complete these sections. Module 12 consists of a research based thesis that will require in the region of 75 hours of study time. In total you should expect the course to take around 250 hours to complete.

Online TEFL Diploma Course Aims

Our TEFL Diploma course is designed to cover a wide range of relevant topics, from the theoretical aspects of language teaching to more practical areas such as materials and resources. The overall course content is specifically aimed at giving you a greater understanding of the role of an English language teacher in the classroom.

As you make your way through the course content you will gradually develop a wide range of skills that will be useful both inside and outside of the classroom. You should find that your essay writing skills and research techniques will be particularly improved upon completion of the course.

Diploma Course Assessment

With this course you will receive a task sheet with each module which you can use to monitor your own progress through the materials. Once you have completed the sixth module you will need to download a test that relates to the information that has been covered up to that point. Upon successful completion of the test, you will then repeat the process with modules 7 to 11 and then complete another test that covers those sections. The final stage of the course is to complete the research project for module 12. This requires the completion of an in-depth research project that will give you the chance to utilize everything you have learnt throughout the rest of the course. Once you have successfully completed both of the tests and the research project, you will receive your online TEFL Diploma certificate.

Online TEFL Diploma Course Pre-Requisites

In order to enrol on this advanced level course you must:

  • Already possess TEFL/TESOL or equivalent certification.
  • Currently be or have previously been a practicing teacher.
  • Be able to complete all the course content and projects within a one year period.

Post Course TEFL Job Guidance

Once you have successfully completed our online TEFL Diploma course we will be happy to provide all the assistance we can to help you secure an English language teaching job. Our job support includes tips and advice on the following:

  • CV/resume writing
  • Finding TEFL job vacancies
  • Applying for TEFL jobs
  • Interview preparation

You will have access to all the above services throughout your teaching career.

  • 1599US$ Online TEFL Diploma Course

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